Cognitive Developmental Milestones for Children

A reference guide on the multidirectional cognitive development of children aged up to 3 years, and red flags suggesting cognitive developmental problems.

4 minutes

A reference guide on multidirectional cognitive development for children aged up to 3 years

(Information extracted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1)


Emotional/Social Milestones

Language/ Communication


Learning/Thinking/ Problem-solving Milestones

2 Months Old

  • Starts to smile at people
  • Tries to look at parents
  • Makes soft murmuring sound
  • Turns head towards sounds
  • Pays attention to faces
  • Begins to trace things with eyes

4 Months Old

  • Smiles ad lib especially at people
  • Enjoys playing with people
  • Starts to babble
  • Cries in different ways to express different feelings, e.g. hunger, pain
  • Recognizes familiar faces and things at a distance
  • Traces moving things with eyes from side to side

6 Months Old

  • Loves to play especially with parents
  • Loves to look at self in a mirror
  • Makes vowel sounds when babbling, e.g. “eh”, “ah”
  • Responds when being called own name
  • Shows curiosity and approaches things that are out of reach
  • Starts to transfer things from one hand to another

9 Months Old

  • Wants to stay close with familiar adults
  • Has own favorite toys
  • Makes many different sounds, e.g. “mama”, “baba”
  • Points at things with fingers
  • Searches for things as seen being hidden
  • Transfers things smoothly from one hand to another

12 Months Old

  • Gets attention by repeating sounds or actions
  • Has own favorite people and things
  • Tries to repeat words you said
  • Uses simple gestures, e.g. shaking head for “no”, waving hand for “goodbye”
  • Finds out hidden things easily
  • Puts things into and takes things out of a container

18 Months Old

  • Wants to stay close with caregivers in unfamiliar situations
  • Shows others something interesting by pointing
  • Says a few single words
  • Says and shakes head for “no”
  • Points to one of the body parts
  • Scrawls on his/her own

24 Months Old

  • Imitates others especially adults and older children
  • Feels excited when getting along with peers
  • Says 2 to 4 words in a sentence
  • Points to named things or pictures
  • Finds out hidden things even under 2 to 3 covers
  • Starts to distinguish shapes and colors

36 Months Old

  • Cares about a crying friend
  • Takes turns when playing games
  • Talks by using 2 to 3 sentences
  • Carries out instructions with 2 or 3 steps
  • Plays toys with buttons, knobs and moving parts
  • Completes puzzles with 3 to 4 pieces


Red flags for cognitive developmental problem2

Emotional / Social Concerns

Communication Concerns

Cognitive Concerns

  • Poorly developed age-appropriate playing skills
  • Difficult in interacting with peers appropriately
  • Poorly expressed with language and gestures for communication
  • Difficult in understanding language in words, gestures and pictures
  • Poorly developed basic concepts towards shapes, colors and body parts
  • Difficult in learning new tasks


A detailed follow-up evaluation should be established as early as possible if any signs of cognitive developmental delay are observed in children during growth period.

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  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Developmental milestones. Available at: Accessed on 21 Jan 2016.
  2. Red Flags Committee. Red flags - for children birth to six years. A quick reference guide for early years professionals. 2007.
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